When It's Over,
It's time to move on
How Can Parents Best Present Their Case For Custody In Court? – AttorneyBernie.Com
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00:00:04: Very frequently people tend to paint themselves into corners and they become very protective of their own rights uh because the breakup of the marriage is still very raw the best way to present themselves again is to focus on the best interests of the of the children and also it helps to give the other person some a recognition that they are an important factor in the lives of their children after the divorce is final I often tell my clients you know when Mother’s Day or Father’s Day comes along send the other
00:00:37: Parent a card saying thank you for being such a good parent to our children so you have no idea how far that would go to help you co-parent as you go along so it’s really important to stay focused on co-parenting and it’s also important if that that is very hard to do to get some co-parenting counseling and also to get some therapeutic assistance that is always a good idea for all families who are going through transitional phase