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What Are The Different Types Of Custody Arrangements Available? – AttorneyBernie.Com
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00:00:04: When looking at custody Arrangements it’s really important to look at the work schedules of the parents and the geography and where the school is it’s a choreography that you have to look at there’s no cookie cutter answer generally speaking you try to get an equal time share between parents but sometimes that doesn’t really work well for a child often people trade off every 2 to three days uh two days with one parent two days with other parent and then three days and that’s how the week then goes along problem with that kind
00:00:38: Of arrangement is that sometimes the child gets lost in the process and get gets shuffled during the week their homework doesn’t get done their baseball mitt or their dance shoes get left with the other parent and then they end up feeling like a failure because they haven’t taken whatever they needed and they haven’t been responsible they start feeling responsible for their the Discord between the parents and that’s not a good place for the child to be so it’s really every custody case is different and unique and professionals
00:01:10 need to be very careful about how they end up making their recommendations