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What Should I Do If My Ex Violates A Custody Agreement? – AttorneyBernie.Com
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00:00:03 [Music] you can do one of three things I always tell my clients you have options and the first option is always do nothing and that may be the best option in a situation but let’s just let’s just analyze the other two options the other options you can go to court because my ex has violated the custody order I need to change the the time that my children are with me so it reduces the ability for my ex to violate the order the other thing is to file a contempt action I can tell you that that’s not something that
00:00:38 I like to do and the judges don’t like to do it and I think that if you file a contempt action the remedy for that is five days in jail for each count and perhaps $1,000 fine for each count the reason that we don’t like to do that in family law all that much is that the children will not be amused if one parent puts the other one in ja for 5 days and so in instead of getting your ex to comply with the Court’s order what you’re really doing is alienating your children so it’s a fine balance that you
00:01:11 have to do usually the best thing to do is to have some kind of co-parenting counselor that can work with the parties and explain how these breaches of the court order are not really helping the kids at all [Music]