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How to use your ex’s texts against them? – AttorneyBernie.Com
00:00:04 hi this is attorney Bernie how do you best use your ex’s texts against them well there’s one thing you need to do absolutely never just attach them to a declaration there’s nothing more painful than for a third party to go through somebody else’s text messages understand the context and who is speaking whose color is who this just wastes the judge or the mediator’s time and they will get annoyed because they have limited time to prepare for this hearing instead a very good practice is include quotes in
00:00:34 your declaration as an example of the behavior you want to describe so say this is the behavior that I want to describe and use a quote from a text message to illustrate that and then you can still add it if the judge wants to look through everything and look for other issues that that that come up so be very careful about including text messages they could be a good weapon but they could also be a curse