We do not require a retainer. Fortunately, when the Pandemic hit us in March 2020, we had already been a paperless office for many years with two cloud based case management systems. However, the Pandemic propelled us to make many improvements to our client service protocols, retainer requirements, direct calendaring, electronic exchanges and remote systems being some examples. This has allowed our firm to concentrate more on client service and less on wasteful antiquated management systems. If you entrust us with your family law matter, you'll be in excellent hands.

When It's Over,
It's time to move on

5 tips for making divorce as smooth as possible

Even if you’re well prepared for the divorce process, you should expect to run into challenges along the way. Furthermore, it’s common to feel a variety of emotions, all while dealing with a high level of stress.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to make your divorce as smooth as possible. Here are some tips you can follow:

  • Prepare accordingly: You can’t prepare for every possible scenario, but it never hurts to try. When you have everything in order, you’ll feel better about anything that comes your way.
  • Give divorce mediation an honest try: Don’t assume that you can’t work through your disagreements in mediation because of bad feelings or the experiences of others. Your mediator is skilled in assisting people in your position, so don’t write it off as something that will never work.
  • Take time for yourself: Yes, you want to work through the divorce process as quickly as possible, but don’t run yourself into the ground. You need to step back from time to time, giving yourself the opportunity to clear your mind.
  • Don’t look for a fight: If you want to find a fight with your soon-to-be ex-spouse, you won’t have to look far for it. You can argue about one of many things, but it will cause more harm than good at this point. It’s imperative to keep your cool at all times. It’ll keep tension down, which makes it easier to find common ground during negotiations.
  • Prepare for the future: For most, one of the top concerns in divorce is what comes next. For instance, you may have worries about how you’ll maintain your standard of living on one income. You can prepare for this by better understanding how much money you earn, as well as your monthly expenses. It’s never too soon to think about your post-divorce life.

When you follow these tips, you should have a higher level of confidence as you approach your divorce. It doesn’t mean everything will go as planned from start to finish, but you at least position yourself to make the process as smooth as possible while protecting your legal rights.

San Francisco

1 Sansome Street
Suite 3500
San Francisco, CA 94104

(415) 688-2400


1301 G Street
Suite A
Modesto, CA 95354

(415) 688-2400