When It's Over,
It's time to move on
Helping Children And Parents Through Custody Arrangements
Child custody decisions are not only the most complex and emotional part of most divorces, but also the most consequential part of a divorce or separation between parents. A poor custody agreement can make it difficult for both you and your child to move on as your family is restructured.
Your child may feel helpless, frustrated and confused when his or her best interest is left on the courthouse steps. Despite your best efforts or your partner’s shortcomings, your child loves both of you.
A knowledgeable family law attorney on your side early in your case can give you an advantage as you prepare to negotiate a parenting time plan or need help with enforcement or modification. Bernie Kempen is here for you and your child.
We Take On Vexing Child Custody Problems For Our Clients’ Sake
At the family law firm of Bernie Kempen, we help parents in the process of legal separation and divorce come to terms with problems like the following:
- Are you stuck trying to co-parent with an unreasonable ex?
- Is your relationship with your children suffering because the other parent is preventing visitation?
At the family law offices of Bernie Kempen, we help parents reach child custody and support arrangements that set them on a path for a successful, stable home life after a separation or divorce. Contact Bernie Kempen and speak to child custody attorney Bernie Kempen about your specific situation.
We help parents who are seeking a California child custody order at the time of divorce, or in a paternity case. We also help grandparents assert their rights to visit with grandchildren.
California Parenting Time: Child Custody And Visitation
Whenever possible, it benefits both parents and children to reach a child custody and visitation agreement of their own design by working with a skilled and experienced family law attorney like Bernie Kempen. No one loves your child or understands your family’s needs the way you do – certainly not a California family court judge.
At Bernie Kempen, we work hard to help our clients settle differences without the stress and pressure of court. We have access to a variety of expert resources to help you get there, if needed.
About Fathers’ Rights
Are you a dad who wants custody of his children? Many fathers think they have no chance of being awarded custody of their children, so they never try. If you are willing to step up to the plate to take on primary responsibility for your children, and you have been actively involved in their life and have a good relationship, you may have a good case for custody.
Don’t assume you can’t get a positive outcome in your child custody case, whether you are a mom or dad. California child custody lawyer Bernie Kempen and AttorneyBernie.Com are here to fight for your parental rights.
What rights do I have as a father?
Child custody cases are often challenging to navigate. Perhaps you were in a marriage that ended poorly or you and the child’s other parent are arguing over who is best suited to take care of your child. Whatever situation you are in, you may feel that, as the father, the cards are already stacked against you. After all, doesn’t custody of children almost always go to the mother? The truth is, child custody goes to whoever is most fit to take care of the children, and the law in California believes that fathers have just as much of a right to have child custody as a mother does.
Why would you think otherwise?
Many people have a friend or friend of a friend who will tell the same story over and over again about how they got the short end of the stick when it came to child custody, whether it was in California or another state. While the legal system can make mistakes and there may be an instance where a father unfairly did not get the time that would be best with his children, the truth is that the court’s biggest concern in these situations is what is best for the children involved.
Can I have joint legal custody?
Yes. In fact, in the best-case scenario when parents split up and have to make decisions about custody of their children, you and the other parent would get joint legal custody. This means that you both would make decisions regarding:
- Your child’s education and extracurricular activities
- Your child’s healthcare and which doctors they see and what kinds of medication they need to take
- What sort of religion your child would follow and whether that means attending a formal religious place of worship
- Where your child will live and how often they will travel between both parents
These are just a few of the decisions that you and your child’s other parent would need to agree on. While this can be incredibly difficult to do in some instances, it is an ideal time to work with a mediator so that you can both agree on what is in your child’s best interest and what works for your new family unit. In doing so, you may be able to avoid a lengthy court decision and a judge making a choice that you may not agree with.
What if I feel these rights have been violated?
If you have come to a custody arrangement with your ex-partner and discover that they have been making decisions behind your back or they have violated the custody agreement in any way, it is crucial that you speak with your lawyer as soon as possible. Following custody arrangements is serious and a violation could mean changing who has custody.
When you need to work with someone you can trust for child custody arrangements, we’re here to help. We understand that this is a very difficult time for you and we would like to make this easier. For more information, please contact us.
Schedule a consultation at your earliest opportunity by sending an inquiry or chatting with us on the bottom right of your screen.

Client Review
"Bernie and his team have been incredible! Always responsive, professional, and, most importantly, ethical. Bernie's recommendations are exactly what I would expect from a professional in this field. He does not want you wasting your money on something a judge won't ultimately approve in court. In my experience, his team has tried to save me money where they could. I highly recommend him and his team. They will put in the time and effort to ensure you are well represented!"
Devon Nieve